The mound was discovered in 1950-51 and excavated in 1951. Tarkhenwala Dera has revealed the existence of a platform of mud-bricks for Harappan houses, a cremation ground marked by flatly laid bricks, where signs of at least five cremations have also been reported. After each cremation marked by ashes and charred bones (sometimes collected in post) the ground on the enclosure was leveled by a coating of clay or mud bricks for the next cremation to take place, the other finds include typical Harappan pottery, antiquities and a fragmentary circular seal. In the renewed excavation in 2003, no evidence of cremation of the dead was recovered. Mud brick structures square and rectangular in shape, two perforated kilns and two fire alters were found. Copper objects, seals, terracotta toy cart frames, animals, and a human figure etc. are other important finds.