Discovered in 1951, the mound is approximately 183 m in diameter and 7.5 m high, yielding pre-Harappan potteries. It gives an appearance of twin mounds; the western one is large and the astern one smaller. The antiquities found here consist of circular and triangular terracotta cakes, sling balls with pinched decoration, circular beads and spacer beads, terracotta, faience and shell bangles etc.
The excavation in the year 2003 brought to light three periods of occupation at this site i.e. Pre-Harappan, Early Harappan and Mature Harappan. In Period-I, the folks were living in huts of wattle and daub. In period-II all six fabrics akin Kalibangan Early Harappan are available and the people were living in circular huts. In period-III Mature Harappan town planning and fortification is seen along with typical Harappan pottery and antiquities including seals of steatite. A channel or canal is an important discovery from this period.